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User profile: Krivi_Pas (Misa Karan)
Date of birth: 9.3.1971
Location: nis
Last Activity: 24.10.2012. 0:36:42
Date of registration: 17.10.2012
Sex: Male
Status: Single
Children: I have no children
Appearance: Attractive
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 74 kg
Hair color: Siva
Eye color: -
Zodiac sign: riba
Job: prevodilac
Alcohol: Occasional
Smoker: No
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Königin 17.10.2012. 23:36

Jel si lepa i od napred?>:/
jeja86 17.10.2012. 23:23

Uuhh Jejo oslepeo sam od beline...^#(^
Plavooka.Sara 17.10.2012. 23:17

Saro Shalom Dolazim po tebe i vodim te u Izrael a kad te tamo vide pocece da jedu prasetinu^:)^
princezica_90 17.10.2012. 23:13

Cucka-bucka :bz
Simona123 17.10.2012. 23:10

Uuuhh Simona fali ti bonbona (moze i lilihip)X_X
Armina 17.10.2012. 23:06

Nocas preplivavam Drinu. Kazi drugarima da naprave mesto za jos jednog
IvanaMalena.94 17.10.2012. 23:00

Ja radim dupli poso, imam dupli racun pa mogu duplo i da zapnem>:/
malabeba92 17.10.2012. 22:56

Jel ti treba baby sitter? :!!
klnka94 17.10.2012. 22:45

Uuuhh. A jel si ti stalno takva teto...<:-P
fatalnaa_a 17.10.2012. 22:34

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