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User profile: 12121 (dejan petreski)
Date of birth: 28.11.1990
Location: struga
Last Activity: 19.7.2012. 13:50:54
Date of registration: 23.4.2012
Sex: Male
Status: Single
Children: I have no children
Appearance: Attractive
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 68 kg
Hair color: Crna
Eye color: Red
Zodiac sign: strelac
Job: sanker
Alcohol: Occasional
Smoker: No
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Comii 20.5.2012. 23:55

top sii :x:x:x
sana.85 20.5.2012. 22:13

top siii >:D<>:D<:x
Hellica 20.5.2012. 15:52

Tako si dobra>:D<>:D<
Ancy95 16.5.2012. 21:59

Zivot je lep kad se ziveti zna zato uzmi sta ti da. jer sreca je kratka a zivis zbog nje . ne trazi suvise i dobce sve! VOLIM TE! :x:x>:D<>:D<
nada_nalle90 15.5.2012. 17:54

Zivot je lep kad se ziveti zna zato uzmi sta ti da. jer sreca je kratka a zivis zbog nje . ne trazi suvise i dobce sve! VOLIM TE! >:D<>:D<
jovana.3281 14.5.2012. 11:49

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slađa 13.5.2012. 18:47

top siii :x:x;)
anabellla 11.5.2012. 20:10

top siii :x:x:x
medicaaaaa._._ 11.5.2012. 20:07

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IvanaMalena.94 11.5.2012. 14:48

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