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Your zodiac - Virgo
Personal and Social Life in 2014

You, Virgo, can expect your bank account to grow in 2014! At the start of the year, Jupiter, planet of abundance, will be in Taurus, the sign of money, connecting with Mars, planet of action, in your sign of work. And finally, the Sun and Pluto, planet of wealth, are both in Capricorn, the sign ruling business - forming a Grand Earth Trine. Since you're a clever and conscientious worker, you're apt to complete some important projects - and move on to even better ones.

On September 6, there will be another Grand Earth trine, and September 16 brings a New Moon in your sign. Whether or not you're satisfied with your present situation, your circumstances are going to get better. This is partly because the economy is starting to recover, and also because your planets are creating better prospects for you. Whatever you've been hoping for, you'll be able to create it - and perhaps even more.

Are you both involved in busy and stimulating careers? You both enjoy your jobs, and are respected at the workplace. Yet there are times when your boss or your colleagues take you for granted, and this makes you feel like Cinderella. If your partner puts in a lot of overtime, you might spend more than you'd like waiting for him/her to come home. Still, your jobs make both of you feel not only prosperous, but admired. Remember that!

The world economy should be improving, and so you don't have to worry about keeping your jobs. Worry more about putting too much energy into your professions. You need to take time out from the rest of the world and spend some quality time together when neither of you is exhausted. Spend time with friends, as well as more time alone together. You don't want to get into a rut where you don't seem to have anything to say. - free dating, dating online, dating girls, site for meeting people
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