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Your zodiac - Aries
Personal and Social Life in 2014
If the past few years haven't been all that great, Aries, take heart. On New Year's Eve, the Moon conjoins Uranus, planet of luck, in your sign. Both these planets connect with Venus, planet of love and money.

Don't waste any time wondering what your lucky breaks might be. With Uranus, you can expect the unexpected. Whatever comes your way will be something that will bring hope, happiness, good fortune - and relief!

Your luck won't fizzle out as the year crawls forward, either. By midsummer, Venus will be conjunct Jupiter, so both your finances and your love life will still be going strong.

The only real difficulty that you might find frustrating is the position of Saturn, planet of obstacles and delays, in Libra opposing your sign. Don't be too disappointed if your good fortune doesn't happen right away. The karmic lesson of Saturn is patience, and that's just what Aries needs to learn the most

No matter how long you've been with your current mate, when 2014 begins you'll probably feel something different about the romantic atmosphere. This is the year the Mayan elders prophesized would change the world - and it will change for the better.

Most likely, you and your present partner will experience some positive revelations together, or each of you will take a different path. If this happens, deal with these changes with love.

In most cases, couples will revel at the fact that the world will soon be transformed. It's believed that positive energy could fill the Earth's aura. You will enjoy watching as everything slowly but surely changes. You'll also notice that your relationship will change for the better. None of this will happen all at once. Your daily routine won't change much. But you can feel the energy, and this will make your love life sizzle with passion. - free dating, dating online, dating girls, site for meeting people
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