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Your zodiac - Aquarius
Personal and Social Life in 2014

Aquarius rules altruism, and this is what you are known for most often. Aquarius is also associated with the sciences, most often with chemistry, physics, and astronomy - and most are good with mathematics. Yet the stereotype of the mad scientist almost living in his laboratory doesn't fit with this social sign.

Aquarians love being out with their friends and working on creative projects. Geniuses tend to spend a lot of time alone when they're working, after all.

Like Libra natives, Aquarians are polite, intelligent, and sociable. Both these signs tend to weigh things in the balance when people are having their differences. Honesty and truth are important to Aquarians, though if Mars is prominent, they can be a bit too honest, and end up hurting someone's feelings. Use a softer touch in 2014 to avoid conflict.

Aquarians are friendly and loyal, and make good friends, even though they do tend to be very independent. And no matter how much Aquarians may like and respect others, when they're working, let them focus on their task!

On New Year's Day, Venus, planet of love, and Neptune, planet of romance, will both be in your sign. When Aquarians fall in love, they almost always start out as friends, and then it turns serious. However, with those planets in your sign, chances are this year will be different. When you and your partner go out, you can have a lot more fun.

If you fall for an Aquarian and he/she decides on a night out with buddies, you'd better call a friend and see a movie that you both would like. If you're the independent one, let your sweetie know your need for space doesn't mean you don't care.

As a fixed sign, Aquarius under most circumstances will stand fast by a loved one's side. The secret to Aquarian marriages is that the partners learn early on that while companionship is very important, having individual interests and social lives is a must. This will be a focus for 2014 - balancing your mate's needs with your own, and being happy about it! - free dating, dating online, dating girls, site for meeting people
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