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User profile: Alkeevewhite (Alkeeve white )
inhale love. an exhale hate smajli
Date of birth: 5.10.1991
Location: Kingston
Country: Jamaica
Last Activity: 6.12.2015. 15:27:03
Date of registration: 21.10.2014
Sex: Male
Status: Single
Children: I have children
Appearance: A very attractive
Height: 206 cm
Weight: 130 kg
Hair color: Crna
Eye color: Blue
Zodiac sign: vaga
Job: operater
Alcohol: Occasional
Smoker: Occasional
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Alkeevewhite Alkeevewhite :

I love to socialize wit different species of people

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Alkeevewhite  | 18:17
hello good day to all especially di ladies.any beautiful girl want to whatsapp m

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User commented
florence1983 9.11.2014. 2:57

Mi like your style the way u pose an pic so sweet
sbbojovic 3.11.2014. 11:38

Cute smile
mrkaa18 1.11.2014. 13:03

So awesome
m.maja96 1.11.2014. 12:49

Lukin spectacular
jovialwhite23456 27.10.2014. 18:37

U can add me an Facebook sweetie. @ Alkeeve white
dugokosa88 27.10.2014. 17:39

Lukin superticious
Pretty.Oriz2 27.10.2014. 15:54

So awesome sweetie
jovialwhite23456 26.10.2014. 19:22

how is your day hun
jovialwhite23456 26.10.2014. 17:34

So beautiful
malena_maki_1986 25.10.2014. 8:57

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